Oct 20, 2006


Adelina send this email, "China brushing up its Engrish for Olympics in 2008"

For those who can't read chinese.... just try to understand the engrish....

Aside from the one-child policy, China adopts the lastest technology to help control its population.....

**If Hong Kong is allow this 'help oneself terminating machine', I guarantee the hundreds of ppl will be queuing up everyday

No matter in english or chinese..... its a weird name for a 'friend changing club'...

1) Why must it be 8:30? am or pm?
2) 11 am can or not? I dun get up only after 8:30 am....
3) How much are they charging?

When they say:

They mean "Entry"

China rivers are full of pee and shit .... no wonder have to fall carefully lah....

The cake doesn't look that complicated to me....

left: can't they just simplify into 'crab buns' ?
right: acid - correct translation... but how can the 'vegetable' and 'bao' be translated to 'food'??

No wonder China toilets are so f**kin dirty... !!!


Adelina said...

adelina sent u this email but adelina doesn't have bad english, ok!! :P i am so gald i can read chinese... people who dont will be so puzzled.

Dia said...


it will still make some sense lah!